As One Door Closes...

I have decided to write this post to update you all on my progress up until now but mainly because I feel like I’ve reached a milestone in my drama school applications journey.

The Juilliard door has closed. I was gutted to hear this but at the same time, I knew it was for a reason. Being in NYC for 4 years of my life and basically relocating there for the rest of it never quite sat right with me. More the latter part didn’t sit right. It was more the confidence knock. The fact that I still haven’t heard anything from LAMDA and then Juilliard decides I am not right for them. I can’t help but go back to the audition day in my mind wondering what I could have done better, if I am incapable of freezing instantly or if I am too forceful in my approach.  At the end of the day, none of this matters and I know that I need to trust that an opportunity will open itself that is perfect just for me.

I have received offers from Drama Studio London, ALRA, and ArtsEd. I am waiting to attend my Drama Centre and Central recall and I am yet to attend my first round for Bristol Old Vic and Mountview. I’m also waiting on the result from my second LAMDA audition. I have decided that I’ll be sending off my RADA application tomorrow so now that is in the running too. OXSD and Juilliard are now in the past and I am keen to continue pushing forward. It sucks to be rejected from a school I have always dreamt of applying to but if anything, this has taught me that I CAN do anything I put my mind to no matter how far away it seems.


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