You are Only as Good as Your Monologue

Hey y’all

I’m writing this post to briefly share the monologues I’ve been auditioning with and any tips in case you have been looking for some.

The title of this post I think rings so true when it comes to applying to drama schools. I’ve seen some terrific actors be victim to some terrible monologues so I can’t stress how important it is to give yourself enough time to choose appropriate monologues.

My main two monologues were;

Classical: Julia, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Uncle Willy
Contemporary: Catherine, Proof, David Auburn

My extra two monologues were;

Classical: Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, Shakey
Contemporary: Chloe, Bitchboxer, Charlotte Josephine

Take Me or Leave Me: Rent

Top tips for choosing

  1. Make sure you are a similar age and sex to the character speaking.
  2. Choose something which isn’t a completely alien topic to you i.e. something that you have been through or you know some one who has. (This is not a must but it always helps since it would be a truthful performance)
  3. Monologues where the audience or character goes through some sort of journey are always good. Is the character different by the end, has there been any revelation?
  4. Is the writing actually good? This one is a bit trickier to answer especially if it from a lesser known playwright that hasn’t won any awards or anything. You just need to try and figure this one out.
  5. Are you in love with the character? You can tell this if you enjoy playing with the monologue.
  6. Go with your gut but DON’T rush the decision.

Thanks for reading. Any questions or comments, comment! 


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